At the United States Penitentiary, Atwater jail in unincorporated Merced County, California, close to Atwater, Calloway entered a temporary insanity plea but was nonetheless given life without parole term on August 15, 1995, for attempted murder and air piracy.
Finally, given permission to land on any runway it could manage, FedEx 705 did so. In addition to making a safe landing, the flight crew's valiant efforts allowed them to keep Auburn Calloway in check until law enforcement officers boarded the aircraft in Memphis and captured him.
David Sanders, Jim Tucker, and Andy Peterson were never again pilots due to the seriousness of their head wounds. Auburn Calloway was given a life sentence without the possibility of release. He is incarcerated in California and uses his website to contest his conviction.
Although all three crew members were seriously hurt, and none would ever fly commercially again, the flight crew eventually managed to control Calloway by intense aerial maneuvers and physical restraint.
Captain Dave Sanders safely landed the airplane at Memphis International Airport despite being loaded with fuel and exceeding the permissible landing weight. The cockpit and inside of the aircraft were coated in blood when the cops entered via the escape slide and ladder.