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Saturday in the Park Lyrics Meaning

On the surface, the song is simply about enjoying a summer day in the park. However, there is something deeper here. There is a progression from "Saturday in the park", to "Another day in the park," in which he "thinks it was the Fourth of July", to "Funny (or sunny?) days in the park," in which "EVERY day's the Fourth of July." If "every day's the Fourth of July", as it is in the last stanza, that represents a vastly changed world! Is it foolish to hope for such a world--in which everything has become "a real celebration"? No! Because "Listen children, all is not lost, all is not lost." We shouldn't lose hope for such a world--if not for us, then for our children, or our children's children. How do we get there? "Will you help (the man playing guitar) change the world?" "If we want it, really want it," we can create a world of universal peace and understanding. Everyone has a role to play in creating an ideal world. "I've been waiting such a long time, for the day"--and so have we all, for many thousands of years. By the way, Saturday, the Jewish Sabbath, has always been understood as a sample version of peace on earth and good will among all humanity. May it come soon for all of us, whoever and wherever we may be.
