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"The World's Strongest Man" Mark Henry has been a fixture in the wrestling business for nearly 30 years after debuting on WWE Monday Night Raw on March 11, 1996. A legit world-class weightlifter, powerlifter, and strongman, Henry participated in the 1996 Summer Olympics before returning to WWE (he also participated in the 1992 Olympic Games) and signing an unprecedented 10-year contract.

Due to his real-life background in lifting and strongman competitions, Henry was given the moniker "The World's Strongest Man," although he had a number of different gimmicks throughout his career, including being a member of the Nation of Domination and the career-resurrecting "Hall of Pain" following his faux-retirement speech.
Currently, Henry is known for his somehow over catchphrase, "Well, it looks like there's been enough talk. It's TIME for the MAIN EVENT!" as a backstage correspondent for AEW Rampage. However, his most memorable gimmick had to be when the big man became the suave ladies man and sex addict known as "Sexual Chocolate."
The Sexual Chocolate Gimmick Was Mark Henry's Idea
Henry's "Sexual Chocolate" gimmick was not conjured up by WWE management, but rather his own idea due to WWE's shift to more edgy programming during the Attitude Era. However, Henry's tag partner and Nation of Domination stablemate D'Lo Brown did not think the idea would be approved by WWE management. Henry addressed the origins of the Sexual Chocolate character while a guest on "Stone Cold" Steve Austin's "Broken Skull Sessions" in 2020:

“When I came back, I thought I was going to be this monster, I was going to be choking people and then I got in the car with Dwayne and D’Lo and it just all changed. The WWE was going back to being more entertaining and they wanted characters. I kind of had this idea of being a ladies man. They are like, ‘Yeah, whatever.’ I was like, ‘No, no I’m going to call myself Sexual Chocolate and hang out with the ladies.’ D’Lo thought there was no way they were going to let [me] be called Sexual Chocolate. I’d be damned and they liked it. That was the start of Mark Henry being a viable commodity in the business,” Henry said. [h/t fightful.com]
Sexual Chocolate's First Crush Was Chyna, And It Got Weird Quickly
Henry first transitioned into the Sexual Chocolate character in late 1998 with his epic Barry White-inspired entrance music, beginning with, "It's sexual baby!" The first object of his desire was Chyna, and although it took some warming up, she was eventually sweet on Sexual Chocolate, going on a date with him and referring to him as "her man" in late 1998. However, things took a bizarre turn when Chyna brought in her friend Sammy, who was a "transvestite," unbeknownst to Sexual Chocolate. With his mother in the crowd for Monday Night Raw on January 18, 1999, Sexual Chocolate was emasculated by Chyna, who revealed that Sammy was indeed a transvestite, causing Henry to vomit, and Chyna kicked him below the belt for good measure.

Sexual Chocolate Eventually Went To Therapy For Sex Addiction, And Things Got Even Weirder
Now referring to himself as a sex addict, Sexual Chocolate began attending therapy for his addiction during the summer of 1999. His first therapy session was with a good looking young lady, where he revealed that he first lost his virginity to his sister at eight years old, and not only that, but he had just slept with her two days prior. You cannot make this stuff up. 1999 was a very strange time in wrestling. Henry then saw a second therapist who claimed he was really screwed up, and suggested overstimulation, which led to a "Ho-Jack" match against The Godfather with several prostitutes surrounding the ring. Of course, Henry got distracted and lost quickly, and even indulged in his addiction right in the middle of the ring.

Sexual Chocolate pivoted and began seeing a male therapist, but this backfired as the man had an infatuation with Henry, and was making advances and rubbing his chest. Finally, he saw an older woman therapist who also came on to Mr. Chocolate -- the man could not catch a break! He remained aligned with the Godfather, and cost him the victory in the first ever "Human Trafficking" match against Viscera, who took control of Godfather's ho's. Henry wound up turning heel and joining forces with Viscera, who had started his own pimping operation with ladies far less attractive than the ones who paraded down with the Godfather.
Sexual Chocolate Impregnated Mae Young, Who Gave Birth To A Hand

There's not really much else to say here, as the big man finally found some satisfaction with the 72-year-old Mae Young. While she was pregnant with Henry's "child," Mae took a big splash from Viscera, causing all sorts of stress for the couple. But alas, they wound up giving birth to a beautiful baby...hand. What a trip the Sexual Chocolate character was.