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How much coolant does a Honda Accord hold?

coolant capacity. haynes says the coolant capacity is 7 quarts.Click to see full answer. Similarly, you may ask, how much coolant does a 1996 Honda Accord hold?AT-2.7 quarts.Additionally, where does antifreeze go in a Honda Accord? The radiator is at the front of the engine bay. In addition to the radiator cap there is also a plastic ‘transparent’ overflow tank with a plastic cover. Also question is, is one gallon of coolant enough? Yes. The system takes 8.5 quarts. One gallon is 4 quarts so you would use 1 gallon of coolant and 1 gallon of water.When should I change coolant Honda Accord?The engine coolant should be replaced on the 1997 Accord every three years or 45,000 miles, whichever occurs first. Changing the coolant in your Accord is a simple process that can save you a lot of money over paying a repair shop.
