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Hernia - advice required | Golf Monthly

I need an operation to repair an inguinal hernia. It doesn't hurt, doesn't affect my golf but it will not go away so it needs attention. Any advice out there? I appear to have a choice of local or general anaesthetic, open or keyhole surgery. What's recovery like, how long were you unable to drive? When did you start playing golf again? Hopefully I'll be done in the depths of winter and won't miss much. Advice / experiences would be appreciated.[h=4][/h]

My first one was 15 years ago, local anaesthetic, hurt like hell during the Op but I was in the pub that night and after hobbling/walking around I was doing exercise after a couple of weeks.

This year I had keyhole surgery under general anaesthetic, likewise I was hobbling around for a while but within two weeks I was hitting golf balls and in the gym doing light leg/squat exercises.

Funny note on keyhole surgery ::D
When I came around, my testicles were "propped up" so to speak. Unbeknown to me, a side effect was two very swollen and black sphericals that required extremely delicate sitting down, and the purchase of several pairs of supporting briefs, getting the right size was a bit of trial and error :D

I'm led to believe that keyhole is the modern way, my advice is get it done as soon as you know it needs doing, I left mine a year and a half, surgeon said it was one of the worst he'd seen.
