How about Alyssa Valdez's spike?
Alyssa Valdez Spike: 305 cm (120 in)
How old is Alyssa Valdez? When is Alyssa Valdez's birthday? Where is Alyssa Valdez born? Where did Alyssa Valdez grow up from? What's Alyssa Valdez's age?
Alyssa Valdez Born: June 29, 1993 (age 30years), San Juan, Philippines
How about Alyssa Valdez's parents?
Alyssa Valdez Parents: Ruel Valdez, Pablita Caymo
How about Alyssa Valdez's current_club?
Alyssa Valdez Current_club: Creamline Cool Smashers
How about Alyssa Valdez's colleg_univers?
Alyssa Valdez Colleg_univers: Ateneo de Manila University
How tall is Alyssa Valdez in meters or centimeters?
Alyssa Valdez Height: 5 9
How about Alyssa Valdez's weight?
Alyssa Valdez Weight: 110lbs
What age is Alyssa Valdez?
About Alyssa ValdezAlyssa Valdez became popular nationwide when she started to play for the Ateneo Lady Eagles. Valdez is one of the most followed volleybelles in social media, thus making her one of the sought after endorsers for sports products, gears, and drinks.
What is Alyssa Valdez known for?
About Alyssa ValdezAlyssa Valdez became popular nationwide when she started to play for the Ateneo Lady Eagles. Valdez is one of the most followed volleybelles in social media, thus making her one of the sought after endorsers for sports products, gears, and drinks.
How did Alyssa Valdez become famous?
About Alyssa ValdezAlyssa Valdez became popular nationwide when she started to play for the Ateneo Lady Eagles. Valdez is one of the most followed volleybelles in social media, thus making her one of the sought after endorsers for sports products, gears, and drinks.