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Will human urine keep skunks away?

Rabbits, deer, groundhogs and skunks dislike the smell of human urine and tend to stay away from it. Try spraying your urine solution around the perimeter of your garden to discourage these unwelcome guests. Some gardeners believe that male urine works better than female urine as a deterrent for pests.Click to see full answer. Considering this, does human urine get rid of skunks? Common Skunk Repellents and Their (Moderate) Effectiveness The downsides to using urine is that it must be reapplied every 24 hours, can be washed away when it rains, and is only a partial solution. You will still need to take precautions, such as installing a fence, in order to keep the skunks away.Additionally, what urine repels skunks? Citrus, ammonia, mothballs and predator urine (dog, coyote, etc) are three smells that can scare off skunks. If you use mothballs or ammonia-soaked cotton balls, be sure to keep them far away from children. Likewise, what will keep skunks away? Pepper sprays, also sold to repel squirrels and other wild creatures, are effective skunk deterrents. Spray them on trees and other areas where you’ve seen skunks. Ammonia also deters skunks. Soak old rags in ammonia and place them under your deck or porch to keep skunks from coming in.How do you keep skunks out of your yard at night?Ammonia – Soak rags in ammonia and place them under your deck or porch to deter skunks. Pepper sprays – Sold to also repel squirrels and other small animals, pepper strays are effective skunk repellents. Spray them on trees or other areas where you think skunks have been.
