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What is mock epic in literature?

Mock-heroic, mock-epic or heroi-comic works are typically satires or parodies that mock common Classical stereotypes of heroes and heroic literature. Typically, mock-heroic works either put a fool in the role of the hero or exaggerate the heroic qualities to such a point that they become absurd.Click to see full answer. Subsequently, one may also ask, what is meant by mock epic?Mock-epic poetry references classical works that use humor in order to make a new point. Mock-epic (also known as a mock-heroic) poetry draws heavily on the technique of satire, which means that it uses irony, exaggeration, and sarcasm to mock its original subject, usually in an undignified and grandiose manner.One may also ask, what are the characteristics of a mock epic? The main features of Mock epic include: a) A sarcastic (mocking) tone. b) The heightened or elevated style and form of the serious epic poem. c) Ridiculing a trivial or inconsequential subject. Subsequently, question is, what is difference between Epic and mock epic? An epic is a long work in poetry that tells the story of a hero and his struggles; there is usually a journey and great battles. It is also usually written in dactylic hexameter. A mock epic is something that has the feel of an epic, but the content is pointedly not heroic. The perfect example is the poet Ovid.How do you write a mock epic? Requirements: Begin with an invocation and a statement of the theme. Employ epithets, similes, and classical allusions. Write a narrative poem–you’re telling a story. Try to use a consistent rhyme and meter throughout the poem. Mock epics are traditionally written in heroic couplets.
