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Meet Great Chocolate Showdown's Connie Kazan! Her Bio, Age, Husband

Season 3 of Great Chocolate Showdown premiered on Food Network Canada on 1 March 2022. Like old times, 10 new home bakers were chosen to go head-to-head in the chocolate-based challenges as they temper, melt and swirl their way to a hopeful $50,000 grand prize and the chocolate crown. Connie Kazan who we are discussing in this ‘Connie Kazan Bio’ is among them.

Now, find out who Connie Kazan is as she awaits to prove herself and carve out her own space of a stay-home-mom in the big, bad world of baking.

Connie Kazan On Great Chocolate Showdown

For Connie Kazan, a proud Muslim woman, going on Great Chocolate Showdown was bigger than the trophy and impressing judges Anna Olson, Cynthia Stroud, and Steve Hodge. Wearing the scarf (hijab) she was more of representing Muslim women in the world, just showing that they too can take things to another level. Representing Dearborn, her hometown, she was already feeling like a winner before even the cooking challenge started.

With that being said, Connie (of course) is also representing Wayne County, alongside Bri Brown of Detroit, on this season of the Canadian cooking competition television series that is themed around chocolate baking and confections.

The competition, nonetheless, was no piece of cake especially because Connie does not specialize in chocolate.

Connie Kazan Age

Because Connie Kazan was born in 1979, she turned 42 years old in 2021.

Who Is Connie Kazan’s Husband?

Connie Kazan’s husband, or “partner in crime” as she puts it, is Mo Kazan.

They have been married for over a decade. When the 2nd of September in 2021 marked their 14th anniversary, Connie took to her Instagram to write “Inshallah I’ll have 50 more years with my love. I’m so glad he’s my partner in crime besides Jacob 😂🤣. We are Ying and yang when we’re together. Alhamidallah life is good. I’m so humble with what I have. 😁.”

In this way, Connie is often setting goals for couples on social media.

Her husband Mo has been working in the property management department of JagX Security, seemingly a Kazans’ family business.

Now, you should also know that Connie is a mother of 4 kids and she shares all of them with Mo.

Their eldest is a daughter. The youngest, who loves baking just as his mama, turned 7-year-old on 30 September 2021. Mo and Connie have named him Jacob.

Connie Kazan Ethnicity

Connie grew up around her parents’ successful Lebanese pita bread bakery, so she’s got a taste for delicious Lebanese ingredients and spices. And yes, she has Lebanese roots.

Connie Kazan Job

Other than taking care of family full-time, Connie runs her own business called Connie’s Sweetest Things from home. She sells custom cakes, cupcakes, cookies, and more online via One could also DM her on Instagram to place an order. Cakes, if you should know, are available for buying for $50 and up.

One could not tell if Connie has been to college for any culinary degree since graduating from Fordson/Edsel Ford High School in 1997.

Is Connie Kazan On Instagram?

Yes. Connie Kazan could be found on Instagram @connies_sweetest_things, where she had around 94.3K followers (as of 1 March 2022). Here, Connie has shared some great recipes and the makings of cakes that she made.

Connie was quite popular for her baking on TikTok @conniesweets too with already some 43.5K people subscribed to her.

(Of course) could also find Connie on Facebook as ‘Connie Homayed Kazan’.

Connie Kazan Family

Connie, before she got married went around by the maiden name, Connie Alia Homayed.

Her parents were one of the first families to start the pita business in the United States, especially in Michigan. Connie shared she grew up under their wings and today she looks at them as her idol as they taught her life and then taught her what to do.

As for siblings, Connie has three sisters. On mother’s day, she expressed how her sisters and mother are her backbone and will always have her back. “This is my world in one picture”, she also wrote in the caption and the picture of course also included her father. “I can call them whenever I need them. My mom is always and forever be big my biggest supporter. She is the reason why I am who I am today. I grow my whole life in a bakery and was never deprived. We fought, argued, and always had our differences. The day I became a mom, I looked at my mom and said I love you for everything you ever did for me. She’s the reason why I’m here today. I would have had my children if it wasn’t for her. I love you Mama, Julia, Jackie, and Summer. Happy Mother’s Day!!!”, Connie said of her mom and sisters.

Among the three sisters are Julia Homayed Chammout (on Instagram @juliasalwa) and Jackie Reafa Homayed (on Instagram @jackiehomayed).

So, you know, Connie’s father is a professional chef. And this helped Connie and her other sister, who popularly runs the handle @summers_homemade_meals on Instagram (216K followers), to get so passionate about cooking. The other sister is a Michigan-based chef.

Connie Kazan Height

Connie Kazan stands above 5′ 6” tall.

Related FAQs

  • When Is Connie Kazan’s Birthday?

Every year the 11th of February celebrates Connie Kazan’s birthday making her an Aquarius.

  • Where Is Connie Kazan From?

Connie Kazan and her folks have been the natives of Dearborn, a city in Wayne County in the U.S. state of Michigan.

  • What Religion Does Connie Kazan Follow?

Connie Kazan, as you know by now, practices Islam. She put on her hijab some 9 years ago. The other people in her family also have been Muslims all their lives.

  • How Much Is Connie Kazan’s Net Worth?

Connie Kazan, who is still in the making of the success/dream she aspires to achieve, was however yet to tell us how much net worth she had accumulated thus far.

At this point, she was more open about things like how setting her mind to it she was able to achieve her goals until today.
