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Dee Hartford Net Worth

Age, Biography and Wiki

💰 Net worth: $17 Million

Dee Hartford, a renowned actress in the United States, is believed to have a staggering net worth of $17 million by the year 2024. Known for her remarkable performances, she has captivated audiences with her exceptional talent and undeniable charm throughout her career. Constantly expanding her range and versatility, Dee Hartford has left an indelible mark on the entertainment industry. As she continues to take on challenging roles and solidify her status as a distinguished actress, her net worth reflects her well-deserved success and the impact she has made in the world of acting.

Some Dee Hartford images



Hartford was a model and Actress when she married Director Howard Hawks. She initially achieved fame in the late 1940s as a model for Vogue magazine.


Her screen debut was in A Girl in Every Port (1952), directed by Chester Erskine.


Hartford married Hawks on February 20, 1953, at his home in Hollywood, California. She is a Mormon.
