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Can an employer deny a doctors note?


Can an Employer Deny a Doctor’s Note?

As an employee, you might occasionally miss work due to an illness or disability. In such cases, you might have to obtain a doctor’s note to prove that you were unable to work. However, in some situations, your employer may argue that the doctor’s note is invalid or insufficient to excuse your absence from work. This article provides an in-depth discussion of whether an employer can deny a doctor’s note and the legal considerations that apply in such situations.

What is a Doctor’s Note?

A doctor’s note is a legal document that is issued by a health professional to certify that an individual was unable to work due to a medical condition. The note typically contains information such as the individual’s name, the date and duration of the illness, and any relevant treatment or medications prescribed. In some cases, the note may provide recommendations for work restrictions or accommodation, depending on the severity of the illness or disability.

What are the Reasons for Denying a Doctor’s Note?

There are several reasons why an employer can deny a doctor’s note. The most common reasons include:

1. Invalid or Insufficient Information: If the doctor’s note does not contain enough information to justify the absence from work or if the note appears to be fraudulent, the employer may deny the note.

2. Excessive Absences: If an employee has a history of frequent absences due to medical reasons, an employer may deny a doctor’s note for fear of abuse of the sick leave policy.

3. Incompatibility with Job Requirements: If an employee’s medical condition prevents them from performing essential functions of their job even with an accommodation, an employer may deny a doctor’s note.

4. Non-Compliance: If an employee fails to provide a doctor’s note within the required time frame or fails to follow the company’s sick leave policy, an employer may deny a doctor’s note.

Is it Legal for an Employer to Deny a Doctor’s Note?

Under the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), an employer cannot deny a doctor’s note for a serious medical condition. However, the FMLA only applies to employers with 50 or more employees and employees who have worked for the employer for at least 12 months. Additionally, the FMLA only provides job-protected leave and does not require employers to pay their employees during the leave.

In cases where an employee does not qualify for FMLA leave or if the employer has fewer than 50 employees, state laws may provide additional protections for employees. For example, some states require that employers provide a certain number of sick leave days to their employees or prohibit employers from discriminating against employees based on their medical condition.

What can an Employee do if Their Doctor’s Note is Denied?

If an employer denies a doctor’s note, an employee can take several steps to protect their rights.

1. Speak with the Employer: In some cases, an employer may deny a doctor’s note due to a misunderstanding or lack of information. Talking with the employer can help clear up any confusion and resolve the issue.

2. Appeal to HR: If speaking with the employer does not resolve the issue, an employee can appeal to their company’s human resources department to request a review of the decision.

3. File a Complaint: If both the employer and HR refuse to accept the doctor’s note, an employee can file a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or their state department of labor.

Can an Employer Require a Second Opinion?

An employer can require a second opinion if they have a reasonable doubt about the validity or sufficiency of a doctor’s note. The employer must pay for the cost of the second opinion, and the employee must provide access to their medical records and doctor. However, an employer cannot require a second opinion simply as a way to deny the original note or to harass the employee.

Can an Employer Terminate an Employee for Using a Doctor’s Note?

If an employer terminates an employee for using a doctor’s note to justify a medical absence, this can be seen as discrimination based on the employee’s disability or medical condition. Such actions are illegal under state and federal laws, and employees have the right to pursue legal action in such cases.

What Should an Employee do to Ensure that their Doctor’s Note is Valid?

To ensure that a doctor’s note is valid, an employee should:

1. Obtain the note from a licensed healthcare provider who has treated the employee for the illness or disability.

2. Ensure that the note contains all the required information, including the employee’s name, the date and duration of the illness, and any work restrictions or accommodations required.

3. Follow the company’s sick leave policy and provide the note within the required time frame.

What Legal Remedies are Available to Employees whose Doctor’s Notes are Denied?

If an employer denies a doctor’s note, an employee has several legal remedies available, including:

1. Filing a complaint with the EEOC or state department of labor.

2. Pursuing legal action for discrimination or wrongful termination.

3. Negotiating a settlement with the employer.

Can an Employee be Fired for Using too Many Doctor’s Notes?

An employer cannot legally fire an employee for using too many doctor’s notes, as long as the notes are valid and provided in compliance with the company’s sick leave policy. However, if an employee is using an excessive amount of sick leave, the employer may request additional information or documentation to justify the absences.

What Happens if an Employee Fakes a Doctor’s Note?

Faking a doctor’s note is a form of fraud and can result in severe consequences, including termination of employment and legal action by the employer. Additionally, if an employee uses a fake doctor’s note to obtain compensation or benefits falsely, they may be subject to criminal charges.

Can an Employer Require an Employee to Provide Continuous Updates about their Medical Condition?

An employer can require an employee to provide continuous updates about their medical condition if it is relevant to their job duties or if they are seeking an accommodation due to a disability. However, employers must keep all medical information confidential and comply with state and federal privacy laws.

Can an Employer Disclose an Employee’s Medical Condition to Other Employees?

An employer cannot legally disclose an employee’s medical condition to other employees, except when necessary to provide a reasonable accommodation or to comply with a court order or legal requirement. Employers must keep all medical information confidential and comply with state and federal privacy laws.

What Are the Best Practices for Employers Regarding Doctor’s Notes?

Employers can adopt several best practices regarding doctor’s notes:

1. Consistently apply the sick leave policy to all employees.

2. Train managers and HR personnel on how to handle medical absences and doctor’s notes.

3. Maintain confidential and secure records of employee medical information.

4. Provide reasonable accommodations to employees with disabilities or medical conditions.

5. Consult with legal counsel regarding compliance with state and federal laws related to medical leave and accommodation.


In conclusion, employers cannot legally deny a doctor’s note for a serious medical condition under federal law. However, several exceptions apply to FMLA coverage, and state laws may provide additional protections for employees. If an employer denies a doctor’s note, employees have several legal remedies available, including filing a complaint with the EEOC or pursuing legal action. Employers can adopt best practices to ensure compliance with applicable laws and to provide employees with the necessary accommodations and support.

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