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Who inherited Donny Hathaway money and estate?

Donny Edward Hathaway was an American soul singer, keyboardist, songwriter, and arranger whom Rolling Stone described as a “soul legend”. His most popular songs include “The Ghetto”, “This Christmas”, “Someday We’ll All Be Free”, and “Little Ghetto Boy”.

Hathaway was a great singer who had serious battles with his health and mental state. During his career, Hathaway began experiencing severe bouts of depression and exhibiting unusual behavior and in 1971, he was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia for which he was prescribed various medications.

Who inherited Donny Hathaway’s money and estate?

Hathaway had died without writing a will, but it was said that his wealth and estate were divided amongst his three girls, Eulaulah Donyll (Lalah), Kenya Canc’Libra, and Donnita Hathaway.

Hathaway was a musical genius, and everyone played his tunes in his era. He has gathered a huge fan base and an incredibly massive wealth to go with it. According to sources, He had acquired a growing net worth estimated between 3 million USD and 5 million USD which he solely earned from his singing career.

