Annie Ilonzeh is the embodiment of the American dream: a small-town girl who made it big in Hollywood.
Hailing from Grapevine, Texas, a town about 19 miles outside Dallas, she decided she wanted to be an actress and packed her bags for LA.
With an ultimatum of a year to make her mark in the industry, she was determined to become an actress from the get-go.
Thankfully, her determination found expression, and fans found yet another name in Hollywood to faun upon.
Annie Ilonzeh's Parents & Ethnicity
As per reports from The Hype Magazine, Ilonzeh is Caucasian from her mother's side and a Nigerian from her father's side of the family.
However, as per a Twitter post, she posted back in 2014, she identifies with her Nigerian ethnicity.
She was born on August 24, 1983, making her 38 years of age, as of this writing.
While on the subject, the actress is proud of and grateful to both of her parents. She routinely shares pictures of them on her socials.
Back in June 2017, she put up an appreciation post for her parents, who had come to LA to show their support for their daughter during the premiere of All Eyez on Me.
In the caption, she humbly confessed that she owed everything that she was to her parents and was grateful for everything they'd done for her.
So, having both her parents there, in LA, meant the world to her.
"You're my heroes," she closed.
Annie Ilonzeh's Boyfriends & Past Relationships
The actress has also remained relatively quiet about her personal life.
As of this writing, statements about a possible boyfriend or a husband would be hearsay.
In 2019, Ilonzeh made headlines when she was seen with NBA star Shaq O'Neal. Back then, they'd been flaunting their relationship, walking hand-in-hand in the streets of New York.
However, nothing of substance has been caught on camera since.
The actress previously had admitted being in an abusive relationship in the past, during an interview with Black Hollywood Live.
She did not reveal any details about the boyfriend or anything at all about their relationship.
Annie Ilonzeh's Start in Hollywood
Rest assured, Ilonzeh's dating history is largely off the public eye. What remains abundantly clear is her inspiration to join the show business.
During her senior year of college, Ilonzeh made a trip to Los Angeles when she was invited onto a movie set.
She had the good fortune of meeting Robin Thicke and Paula Patton.
Something must have clicked right then because as soon as she got back home to Texas, she packed her bags for LA.
But, while her passion burnt bright, her father was concerned. So, he gave her an ultimatum:
I’m giving you one year to become a superstar and if you’re not, you’re coming home.
Well, a good thing for Ilonzeh, she landed quite a few gateway roles that year. She was in How I Met Your Mother, Melrose Place, Entourage, and Frenemies.
However, her breakthrough was on the soap General Hospital, where she appeared on over 75 episodes as Maya Ward.