Superthrive works well on orchids and any other plant that I have used it on. The manufacturer suggests one drop per gallon for general watering and one cap (4 oz bottle cap) per gallon for treatment of ill health.Click to see full answer. Similarly, you may ask, how good is Superthrive?For super healthy plants and blooms, add to your nutrient solution at the rate of 1 drop per gallon. SUPERthrive contains 50 vitamins and hormones necessary for healthful plant growth, including Vitamin B-1. Best known and most widely used plant tonic on the market today, available since 1940.Secondly, how do you use Superthrive? Feed trees through the roots with a SuperThrive solution made up of 1 teaspoon of SuperThrive per gallon of water. Mix enough solution to ensure the soil around the tree is well-watered. Apply the solution the same day you mix it. Thereof, is aspirin good for orchids? Aspirin is linked to a positive plant response, it is sometimes used as a growth booster and it’s supposed to make plants and orchid stronger.Why is Superthrive banned?The two states Wisconsin and South Dakota, because products containing NAA require registration with the EPA as a pesticide. They banned it as an unregistered pesticide. Superthrive has been around since the 40’s and has many applications.