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Heres when apartment tower at former Sycamore Brewing site will start WSOC TV

CHARLOTTE — Construction crews are preparing to go vertical on Portman Holdings’ 24-story apartment tower where Sycamore Brewing once stood in South End.

Brittani Sanders, Portmans’ vice president of development, said they obtained permits for the footing and foundation in late November, and expect to have the full building permit early next year.

“We just got our foundation and frame permit that will allow us to top out the building,” she said. “Cranes should be going up soon, so we’ll really start to see some vertical movement in January or February.”

Plans for 2161 Hawkins include 370 luxury residential units, 18,700 square feet of ground-floor retail and restaurant space, and an activated plaza and green space that will take shape between 2161 Hawkins and The Line, which is next door at 2151 Hawkins St.

Read more here.

(WATCH BELOW: After calling for a tow truck, man ends up with more damage and dispute over repayment)
