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What Do Basic Industries Jobs Pay?

What Do Basic Industries Jobs Pay?;- If you’re considering a career in the basic industries industry, here are some numbers to consider when thinking about pay. First, the average pay for all occupations in this industry is $117,000 per year. That’s not too shabby! But it’s important to note that these numbers vary significantly depending on what type of job you’re looking at. Here’s a look at some of the top-paying jobs within this field:

-Chemical engineers earn a median annual salary of $122,070

-Computer hardware engineers make $111,110 per year on average

-Electrical and electronics engineers earn a median annual salary of $108,160

-Civil engineers bring in $97,980 per year on average -Mechanical engineers earn a median annual salary of $87,890

-Environmental engineers make about $84,940 per year

-Industrial engineers earn a median annual salary of $77,550 -Mechanical engineering technicians make $72,970 per year on average

Pay for basic industries jobs varies by occupation. A look at some of the top-paying jobs in this industry:

Basic industries jobs pay a wide range of salaries, from the lowest-paying to the highest-paying. The top-paying basic industries jobs are listed below.

  • Chemical engineers: $81,250 median annual salary
  • Nuclear engineers: $80,280 median annual salary
  • Petroleum and geosystems engineers: $73,040 median annual salary
  • Chemical technicians: $60,340 median annual salary

Computer and information research scientists

Computer and information research scientists earned an average of $117,000 in 2018. The highest-paid computer and information research scientists made $136,000.

The median pay for all occupations was $55,040 per year in the U.S.

Computer and information research scientists earned an average of $120,000 in 2017—a slight uptick from their 2016 earnings of $118,000. The highest-paid computer and information research scientists made $151,510 that year as well (there was a 3% increase from 2016).

Atmospheric, earth, marine, and space sciences teachers, postsecondary

Teachers in this field can expect to make an average of $61,600 per year. This salary is based on a variety of factors, including location and experience level.

To become an atmospheric science teacher, you’ll need at least a bachelor’s degree in physics or meteorology. You may also need to complete postgraduate work in teaching methods and techniques related to the subject matter you intend to teach.

Skills needed by atmospheric science teachers include:

  • Ability to communicate mathematical concepts clearly and effectively
  • Knowledge of current research findings in the field that are relevant for instruction


Economists study the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services in a society. They also study the economic aspects of government policies. Economists work for governments at all levels, for business firms and trade associations, for nonprofit organizations concerned with economic policy issues such as poverty reduction or environmental protection; and in the education sector (teaching economics at universities).

Economists are paid well compared to most other professions requiring a college degree. The job market for economists is very competitive because there are not enough people graduating from university programs each year to fill all of the available positions in this field.

Engineering teachers, postsecondary

A postsecondary engineering teacher is a person who teaches engineering at the post-secondary level. A post-secondary education could be one from a community college or university, and it can also include online classes. Some schools use this type of teacher to help students learn how to use computer applications for designing projects, using CAD (Computer-Aided Design) programs that simulate real life scenarios.

An engineer with a master’s degree can expect to earn around $64,000 per year in their first job after graduation; however, salaries can increase significantly over time if you go on to become an instructor at your school or take on other leadership roles within your department.


  • Chemists earn a median annual wage of $118,190.
  • Chemists study the composition, structure and properties of matter. They design and develop new materials and processes for applications in medicine, dentistry, electronics and agriculture. They must ensure that these products are safe for human health or the environment. In addition to conducting experiments within research laboratories, chemists may perform tests on materials from other industries such as agriculture or food production.


Mathematicians are needed in all fields of study, from biology to economics. These professionals are in high demand as they help solve complex problems. Mathematicians can expect to earn well for their expertise, and the field is growing rapidly.

Mathematics is a hot field that’s expanding across many industries—including finance, engineering and computer science—and there are plenty of opportunities for new mathematicians to find jobs where they excel at solving complex problems.

Chemical engineers

  • Chemical engineers are in demand in many industries, including the pharmaceutical and chemical industries.
  • They are paid well, but not as much as some other engineers.
  • Chemical engineers must have a bachelor’s degree and a master’s or doctoral degree to qualify for licensure.
  • They must also have completed 3 years of practical experience after attaining their bachelor’s degree before they can take the exam to become licensed as a professional engineer (PE).

Basic industries careers encompass more than just math and science. These occupations in the arts and humanities tend to pay handsomely as well.

In addition to math and science careers, there are many other jobs in the arts and humanities that pay well. These occupations include:

  • Artists
  • Musicians
  • Writers
  • Actors
  • Directors
  • Producers
  • Designers
  • Architects
  • Engineers

…and more! You can also follow a career path in your favorite sport! For example, if you love baseball or football (or even hockey!), there’s an industry for that too.

Explore different paths you can take within the basic industries industry.

The good news is that there are many different paths you can take within this industry. The bad news is that it’s not always clear which path is best for your interests and goals. The basic industries industry is growing, diverse, broad, changing, exciting and rewarding.

There are also many different jobs available at various levels of skill and education requirements. If you’re unsure where to start exploring these opportunities or what kind of work might be right for you, our guide will help narrow down some options by identifying the top three positions in each area of expertise:

  • Energy
  • Manufacturing & Production Operations
  • Safety Management


If you’re looking for a job that offers opportunities to explore your interests and grow as a person, consider exploring the basic industries industry. While it might not seem like a good fit at first glance, this field has many different career paths available within it—from engineering to teaching and everything in between.

You can even pursue multiple careers at once (e.g., by teaching high school chemistry while also working on an advanced degree). So whether your passion lies with math or art history; if so then this may be just what you’re looking for!
