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Did He Get a Nose Job?

George Michael's plastic surgery allegedly included Botox, a nose job, a brow lift, and eyelid surgery. Though the singer said that he would never touch his face and mess with it, fans think he had plastic surgery to look young and fresh. But fans don't buy that and they especially cannot believe that George Michael has not had a nose job because the prominent bump on his nose that was there when he was young seems to have disappeared as he got older.

George Michael was one of the most influential British musicians who is known and celebrated for being a creative force in songwriting, vocal performance, and visual presentation. He is also one of the best-selling musicians of all time. His sales are estimated to be between 100 million and 125 million records worldwide. He is a very prominent figure in pop music. He was named the most-played artist on British radio during the period 1984-2004 by The Radio Academy.

He was not just exceptionally talented but he was also exceedingly handsome. And his talent may have stayed with him forever but his looks faded as he got older and he allegedly had plastic surgery to maintain his youth. He reportedly was very insecure and he couldn't help trying to 'fix' his aging. He is believed to have gotten a nose job because he was insecure about his nose. Let's discuss George Michael's plastic surgery!

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George Michael's Plastic Surgery: Fans Think He Has Had Botox, a Nose Job, and More!

George Michael (@georgemofficial) is believed to have undergone plastic surgery to retain her youth. He allegedly had Botox, a nose job, a brow lift, and an eyelid surgery.

George Michael allegedly had plastic surgery such as Botox, a nose job, eyelid surgery, and a brow lift. houseandwhips.comGeorge Michael allegedly had plastic surgery such as Botox, a nose job, eyelid surgery, and a brow lift.
Image Source: NME

Though the Careless Whisper hitmaker is long gone, the release of WHAM! on Netflix has led people to ponder more about the singer and every aspect of his life including his appearance. Looking back on his life and his music career, they noticed how he was exceptionally handsome in his youth and how it faded as years passed by and he grew old and became reclusive. Though he couldn't preserve his looks, people have some reasons to believe that he tried to salvage it with the help of plastic surgery.

Many fans have alleged that George Michael has had several plastic surgery procedures including eyelid surgery, a brow lift, a nose job, and Botox. As per the rumors, he went ahead and got his eyelids operated on after he was told by the surgeons that he could get rid of the sagging skin on his upper eyelids. Supposedly, it was from then onwards that his eye area began to look more rejuvenated and refreshed.

Not just eyelid surgery, the British pop icon is also speculated to have undergone a brow lift. Well, he obviously hadn't had his brows stretched to the point as to smooth out the crow's feet around his eyes but he sure looks like he got it lifted. He also seemed to have had Botox because, in some of his photos, his forehead looks very smooth. Many thought he got plastic surgery to smooth out his face because his face seemed frozen in some of his pictures.

These are just speculations and everyone might not agree with those, mostly because of what George Michael said about cosmetic procedures. In an interview, when he was asked if he would ever consider plastic surgery, he said,

Ugghhh! No! I’d never touch my face in any way. If you’re healthy and everything works and you have the kind of face people seem to like I think to start messing about with it is just asking for trouble.

But some fans don't believe that George Michael was ever above plastic surgery despite what he said because he started looking unnatural as he grew older and also, because he was known to be very vain about his appearance. There were stories of how he spent hours and hours getting ready for photo sessions and he only ever released two or three pictures of himself to the press.

Did George Michael Get Plastic Surgery (Nose Job) Because He Was Insecure About His Nose?

George Michael's fans are convinced he got a nose job because he was insecure about it. houseandwhips.comGeorge Michael's fans are convinced he got a nose job because he was insecure about it.
Image Source: People 

George Michael confirmed that those stories were true but he denied that he did what he did because he was vain. He said that he was very conscious of his appearance and not in a vain way because according to him, if he was really vain, he wouldn't give a sh*t about his appearance because he would know he looked great. But instead, he was neurotic about how he looked for photos and stuff. He said it was not vanity but insecurity manifesting itself. Either way, vain or insecure, both support the speculations that he had plastic surgery.

Anyway, about the insecurity, he is especially rumored to have been insecure about his nose due to which he got a nose job. He used to have a very prominent bump on his nose when he was young but as he grew older and aged, it seemed to have disappeared. As he aged, his nose also seemed to have gotten smaller. It used to be much bigger when he was young.

Because of the noticeable change in his nose, George Michael is suspected of having a nose job because of his insecurity. The stories about his insecurity were extreme. There were reports that he was horribly self-conscious about his weight gain and he hated that he was not the slender, perfectly coiffed pop star he was in his youth. He supposedly became reclusive because he lost confidence after he lost his looks to age. These kinds of stories support the theory that he had plastic surgery.
