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Summer Wells went missing on June 15th, and Candus Bly is now speaking about the night she vanished. We’ll discover more about Candus Bly Wells in this article.
Candus Bly Wells had a difficult start in life because she was born with a hole in her heart and other major cardiac problems that required her family to transport her from the hospital where she was born to Wisconsin as a newborn baby. Candus Bly has a criminal record in Wisconsin, most recently pleading guilty in 2003 to misdemeanor domestic violence charges.
Candus Bly talks about her daughter’s disappearance on the night she went missing.
Candus Bly talks about her daughter’s disappearance the night she went missing. Summer’s grandma gave her a piece of candy when they were planting flowers in their home, and her daughter asked to go to her brother’s room. Bly begged her son to keep an eye on her, but he was distracted by television. Candus called Summer, but she didn’t answer. She got the distinct impression that her daughter had been kidnapped.
Candus Bly Wells Wikimedia Commons
Candus By Wells grew up in Wisconsin, where her mother is from, and at the age of 19, she joined a carnival and worked as a carnie, traveling to numerous states. She doesn’t have a Wikipedia page and isn’t very active on social media, therefore there isn’t much information about her available. Based on her photos, we may estimate her age to be between 55 and 60 years old.
She hasn’t divulged anything about herself because her personal life looks to be completely secret. Candus has a criminal history in other states, according to court filings.
Candus Bly Wells Husband
Candus Bly Wells’s husband is Don Wells. Candus appears to be a private person when it comes to her personal life. As a result, there isn’t much information available about his husband. Don was reared largely by his biological father, Don.
Don Wells, Summer’s father, has been convicted of numerous violent charges in Arkansas, Utah, and Texas, as well as drug and burglary convictions. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, he was charged with repeated parole violations.
He was arrested again in October 2020 when Bly accused him of domestic assault and authorities spotted him driving drunk up his driveway. According to the criminal complaint, when deputies arrived to the couple’s home, they discovered Wells reeking of alcohol and a pistol in the glove box, both of which he was not permitted to have.
He was arrested again in October 2020 when Bly accused him of domestic assault and authorities spotted him driving drunk up his driveway. According to the criminal complaint, when deputies arrived at the couple’s residence, they discovered Wells smelling of alcohol and a pistol in the glove box.
Candus Bly Wells Daughter Summer Wells
Candus Wells’ daughter, has vanished. Summer was a tomboy who tried to shave her hair on her own, and her mother decided to shave her hair. Summer Wells was last spotted on June 15th. They haven’t been able to find her until now. Candus has been using TikTok to share videos of her now-missing daughter. She has given News Channel 11 permission to use the videos she has submitted.
Summer Wells’ case was unusual, according to Tennessee Bureau of Investigation spokesperson Leslie Earhart. While each instance is unique, Earhart believes that this one is especially so. Despite doing everything possible and investigating every possibility, the circumstances surrounding Summer’s disappearance remain unexplained.
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