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What is generalized conditioned reinforcement?

A generalized conditioned reinforcer is a stimulus that exerts a reinforcing effect because it has been associated with reinforcing stimuli. Common types of generalized conditioned reinforcers are money and tokens.Click to see full answer. Thereof, what is an example of a generalized conditioned reinforcer? GENERALIZED CONDITIONED REINFORCER A conditioned reinforcer that is backed up by many other sources of reinforcement. Money is a good example of a generalized conditioned reinforcer. Cash may be exchanged for a large variety of goods and services.Also, what is a generalized reinforcer? A generalized reinforcer is a conditioned reinforcer that has obtained the reinforcing function by pairing with many other reinforcers and functions as a reinforcer under a wide-variety of motivating operations. (One example of this is money because it is paired with many other reinforcers). Regarding this, what is conditioned reinforcement? Conditioned reinforcement occurs when a stimulus reinforces, or strengthens, set behaviors through its association with a primary reinforcer.Is praise a generalized conditioned reinforcer?Yes, praise is a generalized conditioned reinforcer because a generalized conditioned reinforcer is a stimulus that is paired with more than one kind of backup reinforcer. There are many difference situations where praise can be used as a reinforcer, all connected to varying backup reinforcers.
